Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Update on Changes to Traffic Laws

In our previous 2 articles we advised you that there were going to be some changes to the traffic laws, but no dates had been advised for implimentation. Well it would appear that a some of these changes have now come into force.

From 9th May 2014 the following changes have been implimented:

The use of devices to warn of radar and camera speed traps are banned. If found using these devices the fine will be 200euros and the loss of 3 points from your licence. In addition, if you are caught using a radar inhibitor, the fine is up to 6.000euros and the loss of 6 licence points. GPS systems which warn of speed cameras must have this option deactivated or you've guessed it there will be a fine.

Child restraints in cars will now depend on the height of the child and not age or weight. Those under 1.35m in height must have a child seat and must not travel in the front, unless all the back seats are taken by smaller children, or if there is no back seat. Fines up to 200euros and you might find the police immobilising your vehicle on the spot.

Speeding fines will range from 100euros with no licence points to 600euros with up to 6 points lost. The period to pay the reduced fine has been increased from 15 to 20 days. The main change has been the margin allowed over the speed limit. This used to be 3%, but is now just 1km per hour!!

Cyclists under 16 must wear a safety helmet at all times. Over 16's must wear a helmet when using main roads. Failure to do so could result in your bicycle or motorcycle being immobilised by the police or up to a 200euro fine. In the case of under 16's the parents will be held responsible for the fine.

Drivers suspected of taking drugs will face a 1.000euro fine if a saliva test proves positive. The presence of drugs in the body will be enough for the police to convict you.

Drink drivers face fines of up to 500euros and the loss of 6 licence points for first time offenders. If caught a 2nd time in the same year you can face up to a 1.000euros fine and the loss of 6 points.  Pedestrians may also be drug and alcohol tested if found to be in breach of road safety rules.

As we get more information we will keep you updated. 

Don't forget to contact us for your free, no obligation insurance quotations, help or advice. Tel: 96 649 3762 or info@dragoninsure.com

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