Thursday, 27 February 2014

Free Healthcare For Early Retirees Under Review by UK Government

Some of you may have heard in the news this week that the British Government are considering axing the current reciprocal arrangements for health care for early retirees living in EU Countries. In a bid to reduce costs, the UK estimates that cancelling this service will save around 4 million Pounds per year.

Under the current system, early retirees who have made sufficient national insurance contributions can obtain an S1 form from the Department of Health in the UK, which will provide up to 2.5 years health cover in another EU country. The system was originally set up to assist those moving to a new country whilst they settled into their new home, looked for work and established themselves. If medical services were needed in the new country the S1 form would be accepted and the medical treatment paid for by the UK Goverment.

If and when the UK Government decide to axe this service, they have advised that it will only affect new applicantes. Anyone who is currently receiving treatment under the S1 scheme will continue to do so (at present anyway), until their form expires.

There have been some suggestions that the scheme will be cancelled in April, but this has not been confirmed. We will keep you posted as and when we receive additional information.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Apartment Home Insurance - Is Yours Properly Covered?

We meet many clients who live in apartment blocks and want cover for their individual apartments. Most only want contents cover, as they assume, rightly or wrongly that the buildings cover is provided by the community. Whilst in some cases this maybe true, in most you will find that isn't the case.

Most community insurance policies in Spain cover the external fabric of the building and communal facilities. They expect you, as the owner of your apartment to cover the internal fabric, walls, electrics, plumbing etc.

It is always worth checking the cover included within your community policy before you take out your own insurance. Whilst you don't want to pay for something your don't need, it is important that you are properly covered should problems arise.

Whilst this is an extreme case, if the building is demolished due to an accident, the community insurers will rebuild the block and it's communal features i.e. Staircases, swimming pool, terrace areas etc. As an owner you will receive a nice box with 4 walls and electrics/plumbing that stop at your door. Probably not quite what you had in mind!

Your individual buildings cover should include the cost of rebuilding the internal walls and adding electrics, plumbing and any other fixed features that you might have. Some policies will include kitchen and bathroom fittings as buildings, whilst others consider them to be contents. Always useful to check. In order to calculate a rebuild figure for your buildings cover, we would need to know the square meterage of your apartment, including any private terracing you may have and the age of the building.

Contents should be considered in exactly the same way as any other home, whether for permanent living or holidays. Have a look around your property and do a small calculation per room to estimate approximately how much it would cost you to replace all the items in that particular room - you maybe surprised at the outcome. Don't forget clothes, shoes and other personal items as these can mount up too, especially for us ladies. Make a note of any jewellery or items of special value, as these may need to be listed separately on the policy, depending on the value.

Feel free to contact use for quotations, information and advice. Tel: 966 493 762, email: or pop into our office: Calle Mercado 22bajo, 03726 Benitachell, Alicante

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Are Your Car Insurance Documents Correct?

You've contacted the insurance company, made the arrangements for the insurance, paid the premium and the documents have arrived. Did you actually check them before putting them in the glove box?

It is important that you check that the basic information on the policy i.e. name, address, vehicle description and most importantly Registration Number are correct.

Why is the registration number most important?  Whether your vehicle is UK or Spanish registered the registration number will be used to register your vehicle as being insured on the MID (UK) or Trafico (Spain) databases.  It is these databases that the police use to check if your vehicle is insured if you are stopped whilst out and about. An error in the registration number and your vehicle won't show up which could result in a fine. We are all human and these things happen occasionally. Over the telephone letters and numbers can be misheard or accidentally transposed. 2 minutes just to check that it is all correct could save you hassle and money.

Recently, Trafico have been sending letters out showing the details that they have on you and your vehicle. If your vehicle doesn't have an ITV or insurance, this will also be highlighted for you to sort out.  Don't ignore it as they will follow up.

If we can be of any help or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us - 96 649 3762 or